Total quality in a mystery shopping program starts with measuring the right performance factors and understanding what level of performance needs to be achieved to meet customer expectations without wasting money on service customers consider to be superfluous.
Redhill Group has the knowledge and resources to identify the critical performance factors and determine the relevant performance level that needs to be achieved to meet customer needs. Redhill Group also offers the expertise needed to design an evaluation instrument that collects the necessary data efficiently.
Mystery shoppers are trained to maintain their anonymity, and are provided with appropriate ‘covers’ and responses to key questions that may be required to maintain their appearance as regular customers.
Mystery shoppers are also thoroughly trained to provide objective assessments of the service provided and conditions encountered, and to support negative findings with actionable specifics.
Redhill Group also has a system in place to validate every individual mystery shop, ensuring the resulting data is both valid and actionable.
These specific steps, along with Redhill Group’s extensive experience conducting mystery shopping programs ensure that your mystery shopping program will deliver results that can be used to effectively improve service performance and customer satisfaction.