Orange County Transportation Authority : SR-22 HOV Lane Performance Evaluation Study

Orange County Transportation Authority : SR-22 HOV Lane Performance Evaluation Study

In 2007, the Redhill Group conducted the SR-22 HOV Lane Performance Evaluation Study for Orange County Transportation Authority.  The study was done in preparation for a $550 million project to expand California’s Garden Grove Freeway, which would result in significant changes including conversion of limited access HOV (High Occupancy Vehicle) lanes to continuous access.

Redhill Group’s study measured carpooler and commuter awareness, perceptions and opinions of continuous access HOV lanes, addressed the implementation of continuous access HOV lanes and opening HOV lanes to all motorists during off-peak periods.  Telephone surveys of 1,084 households were conducted to determine the impact of these changes, which provided statistical accuracy of +/-3% at a 95% confidence level.

The methodology entailed even distribution of survey instrument across 13 surrounding cities including unincorporated geographical areas and compiling a respondent pool containing at least 70% monthly SR-22 users.  The study found while awareness of resulting continuous access HOV lanes was low, support for them was high.  Almost half the respondent pool felt continuous access HOV lanes improved efficiency and safety.

Redhill Group communicated conclusions of the study, which included the public’s favorable attitude toward all future HOV lanes being continuous access, extending continuous access to all other existing California freeways and opening HOV lanes to all motorists during off-peak hours.